The Mandate
Our Core Mandate speaks of liberation in all facets of human existence.
We focus mainly on transforming destinies that have been afflicted, battered, beaten, tattered, deformed and subsequently in groaning and agonies, as a result of pains, pangs and crying.
This is the mandate…

The hour has come to Liberate the World from all oppression of the devil through the Preaching of the Word of Faith, and I am sending you to undertake this task.
Today, testimonies of liberation through our messages, books, tapes, magazines and other periodicals are most humbling.
The Word of Faith is working like fire for the Liberation of Mankind across the nations.
The Pastoral Mandate
The understanding of the liberation commission is that, it will basically be an outreach operation. The Presiding Bishop could not imagine any church connection with the commission.
Our understanding then was that there was no kind of church that was not in existence and that what was needed was to ignite the fire of the Holy Ghost in existing churches through itinerant preaching in churches, instead of finding new ones.
However, one glorious day, in November 1982, the Lord spoke to the Presiding Bishop clearly from Luke 1:1-3 that “this mandate shall have a church base all that is in existence notwithstanding”.
Today, the Living Faith Church, well known in some cities and nations as Winners’ Chapel, and has become a worldwide name.

The Publishing Mandate

On the 14th February 1983, God spoke to The Founder in very clear terms “The Word I put into your mouth, the same commit into writing and I will cause the same unction upon the spoken Word to rest upon the written Word, bringing about the same effect.” whilst in a study going through a piece in a magazine, titled “The New Wine”.
The publishing arm of WMA, known as Dominion Publishing House (DPH), as at today has rolled out copies of Christian books in millions which are mostly sold at subsidised rates and at other times distributed free particularly on the foreign missions with the first two books published in 1985, namely, ‘The Law of Faith’ and ‘The Miracle Seed.’
Dominion Publishing House (DPH) which now publishes all books, among others, was officially commissioned on December 5, 1992 at the National Arts Theatre, Lagos, and today has about five million copies in circulation.
The 1996 ECOWAS Gold Award recipient, DPH has a fully staffed and equipped French Department that translate and publishes in French.
Today, the high quality and impact of DPH serve as a lighthouse of truth.
The Training Mandate
In one of those days of waiting on the Lord in May 1983, the Lord spoke in clear terms to The Founder saying, “I will through this ministry raise the foundation of many other ministries.”
The ministry would be involved in the training and development of men and women for spiritual leadership in all areas of human endeavours pulpit ministry inclusive.
The curriculum for the school began towards the end of 1985, and evening classes began on September 1, 1986.
Supernaturally, a week to the time of resumption of the students a property was gotten free at 30, Katsina Road, Kaduna, for the commencement.
The property was given without paying a dime from 1986 to 1989 until when we left on our own volition. Interestingly, the Landlord was one of the pioneer students of the Word Of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI).